Join us for an epic Horus Heresy event, recreating the intense battle for Pluto during the Solar War! Loyalist and Traitor forces will clash in a desperate struggle for control of the outer defenses of Terra. Bring your Legion and prepare for strategic warfare, heroic last stands, and cinematic moments in this pivotal conflict of the Horus Heresy.
Date: Saturday May 10th, 2025
Time: Check-in 9:30 AM, Start 10:00 AM
Location: Grognard Games Roselle
Cost: $30 ($20 will go towards prizes, and $10 towards custom terrain for the Horus Heresy event group)
Event Details:
Format: 3 rounds
Points: 2500
Round Length: 2hr 45min with a lunch break between rounds 1 and 2
Painting: Scaling paint scores for Battle Ready armies; you don’t need to be fully painted to play.
Army Construction Rules:
Primarchs: Primarchs WILL be allowed at this event.
Dreadnoughts: Each player may only take 0-3 Dreadnought and Primarch type units.
Each player may take up to 500 points of Militia or Solar Auxilia units in their primary detachment, to represent the teeming multitudes of forces gathering on each side. These take up force organizations slots as normal.
See you on the battlefield!
Prizes: Awarded for:
There will be three awards tied to performing specific actions in missions; more details will be shared closer to the event.
Player’s Choice – Favorite Army
Best Painted
Additional awards depending on participation!
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Grognard Games
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