The Asterians venerate the pursuit of universal balance above all else, their very society based around this concept. Their disdain of warfare and violence has led to the development of technology which allows their finest warriors to fight on the battlefield without physical risk, piloting sophisticated remote drones from orbit known as Cyphers which are as nimble and capable as a living being, with the added bonuses of far superior speed, strength and endurance.
Plastic components.
11 Asterian Miniatures
‣ 5 Marionettes
‣ 1 Support Drone
‣ 2 Weapon Drones
‣ 1 Cypher with Force Rifle
‣ 1 Cypher with Missile Launcher
‣ 1 Cypher Prime
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition Roleplaying Game Chicago By Night Sourcebook