The Galactic Corps is an expansion for Core Space that introduces the disciplined Galactic Corps and the local Security Wardens – new types of NPC. Work with and against them in a series of thrilling new missions, and then add them to your regular games with the new Event Cards and Security Dice. They’re here for the Purge, but don’t get in their way!
New terrain adds the centrepiece Particle Transmitter to your board, and new equipment such as the Riot Fist will give your crew new ways to survive!
Requires the Core Space Starter Set to play.
1 Galactic Corps Director Miniature
1 Galactic Corps Juggernaut Miniature
4 Galactic Guard Miniatures
2 Security Warden Miniatures
4 Character Boards
4 Apprehended Boards
1 Security Die
5 Event Cards
11 Equipment Tokens
Particle Transmitter
CO2 Scrubber
Storage Locker
4 Cargo Crates
Mission Briefing and Rules Booklet