Welcome to our Star Wars Shatterpoint Spring League! In this league, players will be paired against each other utilizing the "swiss" pairing method, which means you will be paired against opponents with a similar Win/Loss record. Expect to play 6 games over 6 weeks. We will be rewarding players based upon game performance, but also hobbying and experimenting with new models and scenarios.
The league structure is as follows:
· Each week, you will be paired with another player in the league. It is up to you to find a time when you’re both available to meet up and play. This necessitates using the official Grognard Community Discord which you can find by going to our website (grognardgames.com) and looking for the link in the bottom right corner of the screen, using this link ( https://discord.gg/PXstNMefvV ), or through our in-store QR codes for your phone. This is the community resource center and best source of information on getting in contact with other local players, and participating in the league will not function without this vital resource for communication.
o There is a Star Wars Shatterpoint game channel as well as a Star Wars Shatterpoint League Channel, posting in there will help you find your opponents and you can always message Jay for help!
o We will be utilizing Longshanks.org to organize and record your week to week scores as well as pair you into your opponents. After your game is finished, submit your score through Longshanks, and notify Jay if you’re having any problems with it (I can input your score manually if necessary). Players will need to setup a Longshanks account if thy do not already have one. Longshanks link:
o If both players are unable to find a time, they can meet up they can request a draw result by messaging Jay, the event organizer.
o If one player fails to reply to all attempts to contact them, they will be given a loss and dropped from the event.
o If extenuating circumstances prevent a player from making their agreed upon game time and they are unable to reschedule, they will be scored as a loss but remain in the event.
o Your army is not locked and you may switch your force from Week to Week.
We will base our prizing on a two tier structure with an achievement based rewards system dependent on participation:
· Tier 1: Three League Achievements completed
· Tier 2: Five league Achievements completed
The different league achievements are in different categories and are as follows:
· The Force Awakens Category:
o Paint a Squad (1 Primary, 1 Secondary, and 1 Supporting unit)
o Convert or otherwise customize and complete a hobby project (a converted unit or character, a display board, or a custom terrain piece for example)
· Revenge of the Sith Category:
o Win 3 Games
o Injure 15 of your opponent's units over the course of the league
· A New Hope Category:
o Play with 6 different Primary characters.
o Play a game on 3 different scenarios (Shifting Priorities, Sabotage Showdown, First Contact and Never Tell me the Odds)
· Rogue One Category:
o Post a battle report with pictures to the Shatterpoint Discord Channel
o Play a "for funzies" game. (This can be with someone not in the league and is a great opportunity to help unlock achievements like playing with a new primary, or a scenario you haven't played before.)
o Play a Key Operations Scenario.
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