Broken Realms: Ven Brecht's Black Watch

Regular price $100.00 Sold out
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    This set contains:
    - 10x Judicators, ranged troops that can be equipped with skybolt bows or bolstorm crossbows. The kit includes options for 2x shockbolt bows, 2x thunderbolt crossbows, and 2x Judicator-Primes
    - 8x Gryph-Hounds, swift-scouting beasts that serve alongside the Stormcast Eternals
    - 3x Castigators, magical crossbow-wielders that specialise in smiting Daemons and Nighthaunt
    - 1x Lord-Veritant, a specialised hunter of Wizards

    This set is supplied in 249 plastic components and comes with 18x 40mm bases.

    - $100.00

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