Flames of War WW2: Brave Romania - Romanian Booklet + Cards

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    In 1941 the Romanians joined the war against the Soviet Union as the Germans launched Operation Barbarossa on 22 June. Their primary goal was to regain the lost north-eastern province of Bessarabia. They had soon committed two whole armies to the enterprise. They captured Odessa in October 1941, engaged in heavy fighting as they advanced on Dnepr River and fought for control of the Crimea. Eventually Romania's two armies were committed to the defending the flanks of the Germans fighting for Stalingrad where they were hit by the Soviet counter-offensive in November 1942.

    Inside the Brave Romania booklet you will find:

    • Background on the 3rd & 4th Romanian Armies on the Eastern front 1942-1943

    • Painting & basing guide

    • Instructions on how to build:
        ‣ T-3 Medium Tank Company
        ‣ T-4 Medium Tank Company
        ‣ R-2 Light Tank Company
        ‣ Motorised Rifle Company
        ‣ Rifle Company
        ‣ Mountain Rifle Company
        ‣ Cavalry Squadron

    1 Brave Romania Booklet
    39 Unit Cards
    27 Command Cards

    - $18.75

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