The Old World Escalation League
Miniature Painting

We will be holding our first ever Warhammer: The Old World Escalation league! Come join the fun as you build, paint, and play your way to victory! Legacy armies can be utilized, and proxies are okay if they are close to the same size and have the correct base size for the unit.

The Old World Escalation league will begin on Monday 04/08/2024 and will run through 06/02/2024. Each week you can play as many games as you want vs other league members at or under the allotted points amount for the week. You can play the same opponent as much as you would like but it is advised to get some diversity to meet more of the community!

You can play any scenario currently available for Warhammer: The Old World and all current material printed for The Old World can be utilized. The only rule change we are implementing is the rule of 3. This means that you cannot have more than 3 of the same unit in your list (Ex. Cannot have more than 3 steam tanks in a list.) This changes to the rule of 6 for Core units (ex. You cannot have more than 6 units of Zombies.) Your list does not need to be the same list each week so feel free to mix it up a bit and try out different combos. The points per week will be as follows.

04/08 – 04/21: 1000 pts or less
04/22 – 05/12: 1500 pts or less
05/13 – 06/02: 2000 pts or less

The hobby aspect of the league also helps motivate you to build and paint your units. You can strive for quantity by building and painting as much as you can during the league, or you can spend as much time on that special unit that deserves the effort. Please only count units that have been built/painted starting from 04/01/2024 – 06/02/2024. Make sure to post your hobby endeavors to our The Old World channel in our discord!

There will be some prize support for the end of the league both for gameplay as well as the hobby side. Prize support will be as follows.

Greatest number of games played during the league.
Most new opponents played during the league.
Greatest number of units built/painted during the league.
Best painted unit (We will collect votes for this during the end of the league.)

If you have any questions about the league, please message me on our Discord (HereticJeff) or post your questions on The Old World channel. Make sure to pick up The Old World role as well so you are notified when people are looking for games.

Prize support will be split between the following categories. 

Greatest number of games played during the league.
Most new opponents played during the league.
Greatest number of units built/painted during the league.
Best painted unit (We will collect votes for this during the end of the league.)


The Old World Escalation League ticket

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