Siege of Menazoid 40k Apoc Battle
Warhammer 40,000

The poor planet of Menazoid Epsilon has been at war for over a century. Due to its location along the Cicatrix Maledictum it is a prime prize due to its active forge world as well as its formidable defenses. Currently the imperium barely holds their grip on the planet as all other forces consistently break on its defenses.

The Chaos forces, with 13 ruinous sorcerers coming together to turn the gaze of the chaos gods towards their latest conquest. Now the planet is covered in an intense warpstorm, and all contact to the outside imperium has been silenced.

This game of Apocalypse will follow the standard 10th edition rules, including the latest FAQs and erratas. There will be 4 rounds each with each turn being timed to ensure the entire game is played.  Each player will need to construct a legal 2,000 point army. Players are also allowed to bring extra superheavy vehicles and monsters such as Knights, titans, and their xenos equivalents in addition to this 2,000 point list. Please make sure the army that you plan to bring is sensible and you can get through your turn at a reasonable rate. Sensible proxies are allowed but must follow the correct base size for what they’re portraying and should be close to the size of what they represent.

Each Monster and vehicle that is destroyed during the first battle round is not removed from the table when it loses its last wound. Instead, it is removed at the end of the first battle round. It counts as being at 1 wound remining for any wound modifiers.

At the beginning of each round both teams will roll a D6 and combine them to consult the Warpstorm table below. This Warpstorm effect will apply to every model on the table until the start of the next battle round

Warpstorm table
2 – 3: Flesh made weak: All units on the board suffer a -1 to their save roll.
4 – 5: Unstable environment: All units (excluding aircraft) on the board suffer a -2 to their movement and charge rolls.

6 - 8: The Warp settles: No effect this round.
9 – 10: Melting Reality: No units can receive the benefits of cover.
11 – 12: Twisting Landscapes: All ranged weapons cannot be fired outside of 36 inches. (excludes titanic weapons.)

There will be 5 sites of power on the table to serve as objectives. If an objective is under your control a character can attempt to gain the favor of the gods by performing the action below.

Favor of the gods table

2: Damned by Chaos: The character must take a battleshock test. If the test is passed, the model receives -2 to their leadership. If the test is failed, they instead become a Chaos spawn (Model will be switched out with model on hand.)

3: Evil Eyeball:  The Character gains +1 to hit with ranged and melee weapons.

4: Unholy Resilience: :  The Character gains +1 Toughness.

5: Iron Skin: The Character‘s save characteristic is improved by 1 (Maximum 2+).

6: Murderous Mutation: The Character gains +1 AP on their ranged and melee weapons.

7: The Eye Opens: The Character can re-roll one failed roll To Hit, roll to To Wound or saving throw each battle round

8: Unearthly Reflexes: The character gains the “Fights First” rule.

9: Dark Fury: The Character gains +1 Attack on their ranged and melee weapons.              

10: Slaughterer's Strength: The Character gains +1 Strength on their ranged and melee weapons.         

11: Aura of Chaos: The Character gains a 5+ Feel No Pain

12: Dark Apotheosis: The character must take a battleshock test. If the test is passed, the model receives a 3+ Invulnerable save.

The following stratagems will also be in effect for the game.

Warp Shielding – 1 CP

WHEN: At the start of the command phase.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is currently on the battlefield.

EFFECT: The target of this stratagem does not suffer the effects of the Warpstorm this round.

RESTRICTIONS: This stratagem cannot target titanic units.

In The Shadow of the Storm – 1 CP

WHEN: Your movement phase.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is arriving using the Deep Strike ability.

EFFECT: Your unit can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 3" horizontally away from all enemy models.

RESTRICTIONS: This stratagem cannot target titanic units.


An Offering Worthy of The Gods – 1 CP

WHEN: When a character unit is performing a “favor of the gods” action.

TARGET: One Character unit that has killed another unit this game.

EFFECT: Either add or subtract 1 from the result rolled on the Favor of the Gods chart.

RESTRICTIONS: This stratagem cannot target titanic units. This stratagem can only be used once per game.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Jeff Sauer on Facebook or our discord.

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