Event Calendar

Malifaux Henchman Hardcore Tournament

Malifaux Henchman Hardcore Tournament

Location: Grognard Games & Hobbies, 839 N Roselle Rd, Roselle, IL 60172

Event Time: Sunday 11/10/24, Sign In @ 11am CT, 1st Round Start @ 11:45am CT

Please register on Longshanks (Event ID# 19881) with your list by Saturday 11/9/24.

Entry Fee: $15 (tickets purchased online at https://grognardgames.com, all entry fees go towards prize support)

Fixed Crew, 30 SS Henchman Hardcore, 3 round event

We will break for lunch after Round 2, there are several food options nearby in the shopping center or a short drive away.

General Rules

-            Rules presented in the 2023 Malifaux Third Editon Core Rulebook

-            Any current FAQ and Errata documents


-            Be respectful to your opponents and TOs.

-            Play fair – in line with the rules and do not cheat.

-            Respect the decisions of TOs (we’re not perfect but trying to get it right).

Henchman Hardcore Rules

-            Game Size is 30 Soulstones. Player’s Crews are fixed for the event and cannot change.

-            Round Time Limit is one hour 15 minutes.

-            Only Henchmen can be chosen as a Crew’s Leader.

-            Leader’s Cost are not treated as 0 when hiring.

-            A Crew’s Soulstone Pool can never exceed 3 (any excess Soulstones are discarded).

-            Players have a Maximum Hand Size of 4.

-            All Crews must contain exactly 4 models, no more, no less, and cannot change throughout the event.

-            Leaders have an Action limit of 2 instead of 3.

-            Models cannot be Summoned. If a model would be Summoned, the Summon effect is ignored.

-            The Helping Hand Ability listed on Effigy models is ignored.

-            VP from Strategies may be scored during Turn 1.

Encounters (all rounds)

-            Strategy – Plant Explosives, as listed in GG4 on Wedge Deployment

-            Schemes – Assassinate, Vendetta (as listed in the Core Rule Book)

For any questions, please email Brian Thies (bthies79@gmail.com).

TBD depending on participation

Malifaux Henchman Hardcore Tournament ticket

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