Join us for our Foundations Prerelease!! - 1 hour for sealed deckbuilding followed by 3 rounds of swiss - Rounds are 50 minutes, Best of 3 - One pack per round win, plus an additional pack for going undefeated!!!
One pack per round win, plus an additional pack for going undefeated!!!
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Grognard Games
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Sold Out
Join us for our Magic the Gathering Aether Drift Store championship!!!
We will play Rounds until there is an undefeated. Each round is best of 3, 50 minutes.
Get 1 booster pack per win, plus an additional pack for going undefeated.
Promos for Entrans, Top 8, and 1st place!!!
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Grognard Games
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Only 24 tickets remaining
Join us for our Aetherdrift draft!!!
- entry gets you 3 booster packs
- After Drafting there will be three rounds of swiss format (you will play with someone of the same record if possible)
- Get 1 booster pack per win plus an additional pack for going undefeated!!! Please sign up at
Grognard Games has not added a description to this event
Grognard Games
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Only 10 tickets remaining