Event Calendar

Grognard Games 40k Community Paired League January-February
Warhammer 40,000

Welcome to our semi-regular 40k Community Paired League! This paired 6 week league is intended to help onboard newer players into head to head games, scheduling using online community platforms, and introduction to the Grognards 40k Community while also providing a fun experience for all players regardless of experience by utilizing less ‘tourney standard’ rules and encouraging cooperation, community, and learning in head to head matches paired against someone on your winpath. Expect to see weird missions, first draft lists, and new friends!

               The league structure is as follows:

·       When the League begins you will be randomly paired with another person in the league, and in each following week you will be paired into a new opponent with your same placings record. It is up to you to find a time when you’re both available to meet up and play, and can play at both Grognards locales any time within each week of the league. This necessitates using the official Grognard Community Discord which you can find by going to our website ( grognardgames.com ) and looking for the link in the top left corner of the screen, using this link ( https://discord.gg/PXstNMefvV ), or through our in-store QR codes for your phone. This is the community resource center and best source of information on getting in contact with other local players, and participating in the league will not function without this vital resource for communication.

o   There is a 40k League channel, posting in there will help you find your opponents and you can always message Derek for help!

o   Pairings for your opponents will be posted to Best Coast Parirings (more on that later) when the league starts, and you will need to submit your results after your game each week.

o   If both players are unable to find a time they can meet up they can request a 50-50 draw result by messaging Derek, the event organizer.

o   If one player fails to reply to all attempts to contact them they will be given a loss and dropped from the event.

o   If extenuating circumstances prevent a player from making their agreed upon game time and they are unable to reschedule, they will be scored as a loss but remain in the event.

·       Each game will be 2000pts (you do not need to use the same list each week, just the same faction) using the Pariah Mission pack, and each of your pairings will be a specific mission set as follows in the format of Primary Mission/Mission Rule/Deployment:

o   Pairing 1 – Linchpin / Hidden Supplies / Hammer and Anvil

o   Pairing 2 – Burden of Trust / Fog of War / Tipping Point

o   Pairing 3 – The Ritual / Adapt or Die / Sweeping Engagement

o   Pairing 4 – Purge the Foe / Rapid Escalation / Search and Destroy

o   Pairing 5 – Scorched Earth /  Swift Action / Crucible of Battle

o   Pairing 6 – Take and Hold / Smoke and Mirrors / Tipping Point

§  Take pictures of your games! This is important for one of the league activities!

·       At the end of 6 weeks, there will be a pod created for each group of 4 players in the same bracket (ie 1st-4th place will be put in a pod, 5th-8th will be put in a pod, etc). They will have 2 weeks to get their games in, and once completed the winner of each will be the victor of their bracket, and the winner of the top pod will be the League Champion! These games are optional outside the top pod but are a great way to get more games in!

These missions are as follows:

o   Semi-Finals – Purge the Foe / Prepared Positions / Crucible of Battle

o   Finals – Scorched Earth / Raise Banners / Hammer and Anvil

·       The league will be using Best Coast Pairings ( bestcoastpairings.com ) to organize and record your week to week scores as well as pair you into your opponents. After your game is finished, submit your score through Best Coast Pairings, and notify Derek if you’re having any problems with it (I can input your score manually if necessary).

o   Make sure you have an account on it preferably attached to your Grognards account email, or you can contact Derek on the discord to clarify your BCP email.

o   Once the league starts you will receive a message to this email prompting you to upload your list. You do not have to upload a full list, you can change it each game, instead simply record your Faction and your Discord Name here. Make sure you put your discord username at the top of your army list upload so that your opponent can easily find you!

·       Post a battle report of your game in the 40k Paired League channel on the discord and @Derek with your post! Could be as simple as some pictures, could be as detailed as a fluffy narrative spin, what battle plans were going through your head during the game, if you had a good time, all valid types of things to post as your battle report!

Painted armies aren't required to play in the event or for scoring, but if you paint any units during the course of the league, post them in the Hobby and Painting channel and @Derek with your post. Show off your stuff to the community and see what other folks are up to!

Rewards structure has been simplified for ease of use:

If you submit at least 5 Battle Reports to the 40k league channel in the discord, your ticket entry will be reimbursed to you as store credit!


Grognard Games 40k Community Paired League January-February

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Grognard Games January 2025 RTT
Warhammer 40,000

📢 Grognard Games 40k RTT - January 4! 📢

Join us for our monthly Warhammer 40,000 RTT! Test your skills, unleash your armies, and have a blast with fellow enthusiasts.

Date: January 4 

Time: Check-in 9:30 AM, Start 10:00 AM 

Location: Grognard Games Roselle

Event Details:

  • Format: 3 rounds, Best Coast Pairings app, GW Tournament Companion scoring.

  • Missions: B, G, and D from the Pariah Tournament Companion.

  • Round Length: 3 hours with a 1-hour lunch break after Round 1.

  • Terrain: GW-style event terrain.

  • Proxies: Sensible proxies allowed (correct base size is a must!).

  • Painting: Scaling paint scores for Battle Ready armies.

Need a Ticket?

Missed last month's RTT? Message Derek on Discord for a reserved ticket!

Big thanks to TO Mike Schietinger!

See you on the battlefield!

  • Undefeated players

  • 3rd place (if applicable)

  • Best painted

  • Sportsmanship

  • Emperor's Mercy (random draw for those with game losses).


Grognard Games January 2025 RTT

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Grognard Games 40K Apocalypse League
Warhammer 40,000

Maximum Carnage: Join the Grognard Games Apocalypse League!

Greetings, Warlords, and welcome to our Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse League! Unleash your most devastating forces in epic battles of apocalyptic proportions! Field Titans, unleash massive bombardments, and command legions of troops in clashes that will shake the foundations of the Grognard Games!

League Details

  • Dates: January 1st - February 28th

  • Game Size: Minimum 3,000 points, no upper limit!

  • Legends Units: Unleash the power of Legends units!

  • Missions: Pariah deck, GW event missions, or your own creations!

  • Location: Play at any Grognard Games location.

How to Participate

  • Join the Grognard Games Discord: https://discord.gg/hvYPjYTuqK

  • Coordinate games with other players in the Apocalypse channel.

  • Report your results after each game.

  • Climb the leaderboard and claim your place among the champions!

League Triumphs

The Grognard Games Apocalypse League isn't just about epic battles – it's about achieving legendary status! Throughout the league, you'll have the chance to earn Apocalyptic Triumphs by completing themed tasks and achievements.

How it Works:

  • Complete Triumphs: Tackle challenges like fielding a Super-Heavy detachment, achieving a glorious victory, or painting an impressive centerpiece model.

  • Report Your Triumphs: Inform Derek in the Grognard Games Discord when you achieve a Triumph.

  • Earn Raffle Tickets: Each Triumph earned acts as a raffle ticket for the grand prize drawings at the end of the league!

The More Triumphs, the Greater Your Chances!

Each Apocalyptic Triumph can be completed once.

Triumphs of Endurance

  • A Proppa Waaagh!: Play a game in the league.

  • Common Foe: Play a game with more than 1 opponent.

  • Welcome to Calderis: Play 5 games.

  • Relentless: Play 10 games.

  • Blood God: Lose and destroy a combined total of 150 units over the course of your games.

Triumphs of Strategy

  • Rush’em: Successfully complete 50 charges over the course of your games.

  • Feel No Pain: Pass 100 Feel No Pain saves over the course of your games.

  • Elite Strike Force: Successfully make 5 charges with a unit that arrived by deep strike in either your turn or your opponent’s previous turn.

  • Lightning Assassin: Destroy your opponent’s Warlord before the end of turn 3.

  • Astronomical: Have one of your opponent’s units Deadly Demise and cause another unit to Deadly Demise from the damage.

  • Gladiator: Use the Epic Challenge Stratagem to destroy an enemy Character.

  • King of the Hill: Have a unit survive on the center objective for 3 turns.

  • Not One Inch: Prevent your opponent from scoring the center objective at all during a game.

  • Red Ones Go Fastah!: Have a unit with a Move Characteristic of 12” or more be destroyed 10 times over the course of your games.

Triumphs of Alignment

  • Emperor’s Champion: Have your warlord destroy a Space Marine Character.

  • Heroes of Angel Gate: Destroy 30 Space Marine Character Models over the course of your games.

  • Hold Back the Xenos: Destroy 50 Xenos units over the course of your games.

  • Purge the Xenos: Destroy 30 Xenos Character Models over the course of your games.

  • Hero of the Imperium: Destroy 20 Imperium Characters over the course of your games.

  • In the Name of the Emperor: Destroy 20 Chaos Characters over the course of your games.

  • Allies to the Cause: Have allied units destroy 20 units over the course of your games.

  • Battle Brothers: Destroy 50 units using Space Marines and/or Chaos Space Marines (including any of their offshoots) over the course of your games.

  • Dug In: Destroy 50 units using Astra Militarum, Tau, and/or Votann over the course of your games.

  • Massacre: Destroy 50 units using Orks, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, and/or Drukhari over the course of your games.

  • Fleet of Foot: Destroy 50 units using Eldar, and/or Sisters of Battle over the course of your games.

  • The Book of Honor: Destroy 50 units using Imperial Knights, Chaos Knights, Adeptus Custodes and/or Grey Knights over the course of your games.

  • Tireless Warrior: Destroy 50 units using Adeptus Mechanicus and/or Necrons over the course of your games.

Triumphs of Destruction

  • There is Only War: Destroy 100 units over the course of your games.

  • That’s Close Enough: Destroy 20 units with Transport over the course of your games.

  • Fast Attack: Destroy 20 units using units with Mounted over the course of your games.

  • Elite: Destroy 20 units using non-Battleline Infantry units over the course of your games.

  • Even in Death I Still Serve: Destroy 20 units using Walker Vehicles over the course of your games.

  • Death from Above: Destroy 20 units using units with the Fly keyword over the course of your games.

  • Fight to Survive: Destroy 20 units with a unit that has Fights First over the course of your games.

  • Heavy Support: Destroy 20 units using Vehicle or Monster units over the course of your games.

  • Sweeping Advance: Destroy 50 units in melee over the course of your games.

  • Rant All You Will: Destroy 20 units using Psychic attacks over the course of your games.

  • The Cleansing Begins: Destroy 100 Toughness 3 models over the course of your games

  • Wisdom of the Ancients: Destroy 10 Vehicle or Monster Characters over the course of your games.

  • ​​Legend: Destroy 20 Epic Heroes over the course of your games.

Don't miss this chance to experience Warhammer 40,000 on a scale rarely seen before!

Everyone who participates has a chance to win awesome prizes based on the Triumphs system above, so don't miss out!

Grognard Games 40K Apocalypse League ticket

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Grognard Games 40k RTT - March 2025
Warhammer 40,000

📢 Grognard Games 40k RTT - March 1st! 📢

Join us for our monthly Warhammer 40,000 RTT! Test your skills, unleash your armies, and have a blast with fellow enthusiasts.

Date: March 1st 

Time: Check-in 9:30 AM, Start 10:00 AM 

Location: Grognard Games Roselle

Event Details:

  • Format: 3 rounds, Best Coast Pairings app, GW Tournament Companion scoring.

  • Missions: [TBD] from the Pariah Tournament Companion.

  • Round Length: 3 hours with a 1-hour lunch break after Round 1.

  • Terrain: GW-style event terrain.

  • Proxies: Sensible proxies allowed (correct base size is a must!).

  • Painting: Scaling paint scores for Battle Ready armies.

  • Prizes: Awarded for undefeated players, 3rd place (if applicable), best painted, runner up best painted, sportsmanship, and Emperor's Mercy (random draw for those with game losses).

Need a Ticket?

Missed last month's RTT? Message Derek on Discord for a reserved ticket!

Big thanks to TO [TBD]!

See you on the battlefield!

Awarded for undefeated players, 3rd place (if applicable), best painted, runner up best painted, sportsmanship, and Emperor's Mercy (random draw for those with game losses).


Grognard Games 40k RTT - March 2025

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