Rumbleslam Fight for the Belt Tourney

TO: Zach Shapiro

For contact, use the Grognard Games discord ( ) and message warmpikmin

The event will be a one day tournament, with two “seeding” games and a single elimination style tournament going from there.

Once eliminated players are encouraged to continue playing other eliminated players for fun. The more in Character the better!


Seeding game 1: 11:00-12:00

Seeding game 2: 12:00-1:00

Lunch: 1:00-1:45

Elimination game 1: 2:00-3:00

Elimination game 2: 3:00-4:00

Elimination game 3: 4:00-5:00

Awards and prizes: 5:30-6:00

List building:

Each person’s list will consist of a team of wrestlers worth a total of 1M dosh. However, if both players agree, they may each take one superstar (I will have extras if needed) if the superstars are not of equal dosh value, the player with the superstar of lesser value may take endorsements or sponsorships in an amount equal to the difference.

If there are an unequal amount of players we will have a Ringer.

The event winner will receive a rumbleslam team of their choice from available stock.

Rumbleslam Fight for the Belt Tourney ticket

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