Down 'N' Dirty 2024
Blood Bowl

Down ‘N’ Dirty 2024

What to bring and rules:

Three rounds, One day resurrection style Blood Bowl tournament.
What to Bring: Your team, dice, pitches, rulebook

Entry Fee: $15.00

Location: Grognard Games Roselle
Date: June 23rd, 2024

The following rules below will be in effect for this event.

  • Blood Bowl Second Season (2020) Rule Set

  • Latest GW FAQ and Designers commentary 

All races found in the Blood Bowl Second Season (2020) Rulebook, Teams of Legend PDF, and Spike Magazines can be played. Because this is a resurrection style tournament, all injuries will be healed in between games by our world renown healers. This means they will be fresh and ready to go for the next round!

Team building:

You will be given a 1.2 million gold budget to purchase players, rerolls, fan factor, coaches, apothecaries, and cheerleaders with. You may also use this budget to purchase any Star Players as well. All new star players from the Second Season Edition and subsequent Spike Journals will be allowed.  Wizards, Journeymen, Special Play cards of any kind, Halfling Hot Pot, Mercenaries are NOT allowed with the exception of Giants. Note: If you are including a Star Player OR a Giant, you must have 11 players on your team BEFORE hiring them. Having 10 players plus a Star or Giant is not allowed.

The number of primary skills you are allowed depends on your team's tier level. The teams and their tier level can be found below. 

Tier 1 teams get 42 SPP to spend:

Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf, Lizardmen, Norse, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elf

Tier 2 teams get 54 SPP to spend:

Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Orc, Slann, Tomb Kings, Vampire

Tier 3 teams get 66 SPP to spend:

Goblin, Halfling, Snotling, Gnome, & Ogre

Primary skills will cost 6 SPP while secondary skills are 12 SPP. Players cannot take any stat increases at all as they have finished training for this event months ago. Players can only have up to 2 primary skills on them and cannot take both a primary and a secondary skill. A single player with TWO Primary Skills will cost 14 SPP. The same skill cannot be taken more than 4 times on your entire team.

Star Players: 

All new star players from the Second Season Edition and subsequent Spike Journals will be allowed. Second Season Edition has given Star Players each their own "Special Rule". If you have a Star Player on your roster, you are expected to explain the "Special Rule" to your opponent. 

Star Players have now started realizing their worth after new agents flooded the market. In addition to their hiring fee, star players will cost your team an extra 12 SPP Due to popularity and market demand... Current GW MEGA STARS (see current FAQ) Bomber Dribblesnot, Deeproot Strong Branch, Morg n Thorg, Griff Oberwald, Hackflem Skuttlespike, and Kreek Rustgouger cost 18 SPP instead of 12. 

Because of the money generated by Star Players attending games, owners have also been paying actors to wear costumes and make appearances to help generate additional revenue. Due to this new scam, many teams have been swindled out of their money believing they have hired the real star player. If both teams on a pitch have induced the same Star Player on their roster neither team is allowed to field that star player during their game.

Dirtiest Tournament in the Midwest:

The Down ‘N’ Dirty bowl is renowned for not having the best referees. Not only do the refs encourage bribes to turn a blind eye, but they also hedge bets with the crowd on how many injuries happen in the game! Due to this reason every team receives one free bribe at the beginning of each game. Each team will also roll off before the game to see what secret weapon has been left inside their locker room.  Before rolling to determine weather each team will roll a D6 and consult the table below for your secret weapon. If you choose to take the weapon it can only be given to a lineman on your team and they gain the Secret Weapon skill as well. .

1-2: Ball and Chain
3-4: Bombardier 

5-6: Chainsaw


Check in: 10:30 AM
Round 1: 11:00 AM

Lunch: 1:30 PM
Round 2: 2:30 PM
Round 3: 5:00 PM

Awards: 7:30 PM

Awards and scoring.

The better your performance in each game the more points you will receive. The amount of points you can earn in each game can be found below.

Win - 3 points

Draw - 1 point

Lose - 0 points

3+ TDs scored - 1 point

3+ CAS caused - 1 point

Prizes for the event will be as follows. Store credit will be divided up for each award.

1st place - Best overall score. 

Stunty Cup - Best score using a Tier 3 team. 

Carnage Seeker - Most CAS

Da Boot - Most fouls

Wooden Spoon - Worst overall score.

Best Painted - Best painted/Hobby


Down 'N' Dirty 2024 ticket

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