Regular price $18.00 Sold out
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    Your Holiday Mystery Loot will contain one of our:

    ✔️ Holiday-Themed Metal D20's: Our best selling D20's return with unique spin on the holiday season(reindeer, dreidel, Christmas tree & more!)Your friends will be wishing they had this set...

    ✔️ Holiday-Themed Enamel Pins: Our highly requested enamel pins return with chill! Each pin is crafted with intricate artistry and a fun design for the holidays: Ice cubes, cocoa mugs, and some more (you'll find out 😉.)

    ✔️ Every Loot is Unique! Show off to your friends with your own package, knowing nobody else has the same set. 

    ✔️ Fast & FREE Shipping in US! Say "goodbye" to endless waits on shipping. We take pride in being one of the fastest stores to ship dice, loots and the rest of our products.

    Image shows examples of the kinds of sets that appear in mystery loot products.

    Your mystery loot may contain one of these sets or an entirely different set!

    - $18.00

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