Event Calendar

Modern Horizons 3 Pre-Release SATURDAY
Magic: The Gathering

Join us for Modern Horizons 3 Prerelease!!

Entry gets you your kit with 6 MH3 Boosters and a prerelease promo to build a sealed deck with.

Deck building will be followed by 3 rounds of swiss.

One pack per win, plus one pack for going undefeated!!

One pack per win, plus one pack for going undefeated!!

Modern Horizons 3 Pre-Release SATURDAY ticket

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Only 15 tickets remaining

Apocalypse of Ghur Mega Battle
Age of Sigmar
Mega Battle

Event Organizer - Jake Muhr (Discord name: Jake CM)

The Apocalypse of Ghur event will be a one day event starting at 10:00AM CST at Grognard Games Roselle on June 8th. The event will use an unconventional Age of Sigmar 3.0 ruleset detailed below and will feature four teams of four players fielding a 1500 point army per Grand Alliance. All armies should be fully painted and are encouraged to be thematic!

The event will use four 4x6 tables with deployment zones for each grand alliance detailed below. There will also be five 6” objectives with standard objective capturing mechanics.

Off-Core Rule mechanics include the following:

  • Turns will occur after a priority role with the lowest cumulative team roll going first.

  • Each team will take a phase and then move to the next team. (I.E. Movement for Chaos, then Movement for Order, in a clock/non-counter clockwise fashion until the turn is completed. Combats will occur in the same fashion, however individually.) 

  • Each team will have 10 TOTAL command points to share across each battle round and the same command can be used multiple times per team but only once per player. 

  • Battle Tactics will not be a thing

  • no GHB rules will be used.

Scoring and objectives will be detailed in a separate pack. Scoring will involve objectives like ‘kill a general’.

Apocalypse of Ghur Mega Battle ticket

Grognard Games has not added a description to this event


Grognard Games


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